Spa & Wellness
Das CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La wurde auf dem höchsten Punkt der Insel Villingili gebaut. In dem abgeschlossenen Spa-Dorf werden Behandlungen und Therapien angeboten, die auf Wohlfühl-Ritualen und
Traditionen aus China und der mystischen Himalaja-Region basieren. Die großzügigen Behandlungsvillen bieten die Atmosphäre eines privaten „Spa im Spa“.
Gegen Gebühr:
CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La draws inspiration from the origins of the Shangri-La legend, a place of personal peace, enchantment and well-being.
This secluded sanctuary is located in its own spa village within the resort, with spacious individual treatment villas offering "spa-within-a-spa" environments. There is also a unique yoga pavilion overlooking the Indian Ocean, and individual treatment villas with private gardens and steam rooms, a changing room and a shower. The spa menu offers a selection of Asian massages and Indian Ayurvedic treatments, alongside locally inspired treatments and specific well-being programmes.
In traditional Chinese philosophy, "chi" or "Qi" is the universal life force that governs well-being and personal vitality. For people to maintain good health, it is believed that "chi" must flow freely within the body and, when blocked, "dis-ease" and illness follow. Movement is therefore a key element in releasing blockages. Body massage, exercise, stretching, hydrotherapy, and movement of the mind through relaxation and meditation combine to assist the bodys natural renewal and form the basis of the CHI spa philosophy.
Wellness- und Genussurlaub inkl. geführter Wanderungen, Nutzung der Bergbahnen, Wellnessoase und Outdoorpool.
ÜN/HP ab 804 €Wellnesshotels im Herbst: Sonder-Angebote bei Wellness Heaven.
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